Important Info

Important Info

·      Arrival: Children should arrive between 7:45 – 8:10.  If you child arrives after 8:10, please bring them to the front office for a tardy slip. The office will make sure your child gets to class.
·      Dismissal: We will dismiss at the front of the school under the Mary Moore Elementary on the front wall, at 3:35. If you child needs to leave early you must check them out in the office. The office will send for your child. Please use your car tag in the drive through or park at the church across the street.  
·      Absence: If you child is absent from school, please call or email the school office ( or Children should not return to school until their temperature is normal for 24 hours and they are vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours.
·      Breakfast and Lunch: Mary Moore serves breakfast from 7:45 – 8:00. A menu is on the website We ask that kindergartners not purchase a dessert. Children may also pack a lunch. Please label their lunch bag or box and send containers that they are able to open. 
·      Communication: Please sign up for SeeSaw app. This will allow me to text the whole class as well as individuals. You will also be able to contact me as well as comment on your child's portfolio to encourage them. Also, check my website for general information about our class. SeeSaw and E-mail are the best ways to contact me You may also leave notes in the communication folder. Please check the communication folder daily and sign or initial.
   Our class is on twitter @goosefaces, facebook Miss McDonald 19 -20 class. Please use our hashtag #goosefaces, always remain positive on social media, do not write last names or post about a child other than yours.  
·      Dress: Please dress your child so he/she is comfortable and ready for action. Tennis shoes are preferred as well as shorts under dresses. Kindergarten follows the AISD dress code. Please bring a change of clothes in a ziplock bag to keep in their backpack in case of accidents.
·      Snack: Your child may bring a dry, healthy snack (fruit, goldfish, fruit snacks, crackers, etc) Please do not send a snack that needs a spoon any liquid or juice, Snack will be optional so there will be days that you child chooses not to eat their snack.  
·      Report Cards: Your child will receive a report card every 6 weeks. Please sign the envelope and return it.  
·      Homework: Please read with and to your child nightly. Later in the year, you will receive books to borrow on your child’s level, and a reading log to sign. I will send folder games, paper work that are optional.  The first few months I will send a monthly calendar of "fun" homework to do with your child.  This will help the know that education is important to you.  
·      Library: We will visit the library once a week and check out one book each visit. It is important that books checked out are returned before the next library visit so that your child can check out a new book. Lost books will have a replacement cost.
·      Volunteering: Please fill out a volunteer form via the AISD website. You must be approved to work at the school, attend a party or field trip.
·      Birthdays: If you would like to send a birthday treat for the class you may. I ask that you check with me before the day to make sure that date will work with our schedule. Please make sure there is enough for everyone and it is easy to pass out. Please do not send drinks. We cannot send out personal invitations unless the entire class is invited. 

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