Friday, August 10, 2018

Important Info for the First Day!

  •  Parent Meeting - we will have a parent meeting on Tuesday, August 20st @ 5:30pm.  There will be a lot of important info shared so please make plans to come. J  If you are not able to come, please let me know and I will get you all the important info following the meeting.
  •  Arrival:  students should arrive between 7:45-8:10. Kindergarten will go back hallway.  Students will be picked up for class at 8:10. If your child arrives after 8:10, please bring them to the front office for a tardy slip.  The office will ensure that your child gets to class.  
  •  First Day Arrival:  You may bring your child to the classroom on the first day.  Help them put away their backpack, find their seat in the classroom, give a hug, kiss and take pictures (use our hashtag -  #goosefaces) and then we'll get started with their first day of kindergarten!  You are welcome to go to the Library for a Boo Hoo or YaHoo event.  
  • Dismissal:  Please let me know your dismissal plans before the first day.  If dismissal plans change, please put it in writing in the folder, email (before 11:00) or call the office.  We dismiss from the front of the school (near the Mary Moore Sign on the wall) at 3:35. If your child is a car rider, please have the “car sign” with their name displayed on your dashboard of have it with you when you walk up to pick them up.  A faculty member will bring your child to your car.  If your child will be going to YMCA after school program or riding a bus, please let me know the name or number of the bus.            
  • Snack:  Your child may bring a dry, healthy snack (fruit, goldfish, crackers, etc).  Please do not send a snack that needs a spoon, any liquids or juice.. Snack will be optional so there will be days that your child chooses not to eat their snack.
  •  Breakfast/Lunch:  Breakfast is served 7:45-8:05.  You can access menus and set up an account online.  You may come visit your child for lunch, but we ask that you wait for 2 weeks before coming so your child has time to adjust to the new lunch routine.  You can access all this info and more at the AISD food services website:
  • Communication - I try to communicate and allow you to communicate in various ways.  - the first 3 will be the most utilized 
    • Class emails (please email me with your name and child's name so that am able to add you easily).  
    • Seesaw app - I will send text alerts as well as your child will be able to post pictures and work. to an individual portfolio.  
      • I will send you email instructions on how to sign up.  
      • This will be the best way to contact me and have a window into your child's day
    • Take Home Folder - I will send notes from me, the kinder team, and the school in this folder.  please check it daily, sign and return.
    • Webpage - missmcdonal'
    • Social Media  - please always remain positive on public forums, only post about your own child, use #goosefaces and tag me  (a silly nickname that I call all my students) 
      • Twitter @goosefaces
      • Facebook - Miss McDonald's 19 - 20 Class (closed facebook page) 
If you have any other questions before the first day, please feel free to email me.  I will be covering more detailed information about school and classroom procedures on Wednesday evening.  Hope to see you there! 

Twitter - @goosefaces
Instagram - goosefaces
Facebook - Miss McDonald's 19 - 20 Class
SeeSaw App - Use your child's scan code to sign up

Office phone:  682-867-8900

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